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Enrollment Questionnaire



Dog’s Name:___________________________________________________________


How long have you owned your dog?________________________________________


Where did you get your dog?______________________________________________


Has your dog ever been to daycare?  If so, where?____________________________________________________________________




Does your dog use a crate at home?  If not, have they ever?  What is their reaction to crate use?  Are any other means of confinement used, such as garage, bathroom, baby-gates, etc.)?_________________________________________________________________




Are there any medical conditions that require restrictions of your dog’s activities, movements or diet?  If yes, please describe.______________________________________________________________




Does your dog have any allergies?  If yes, please describe._________________




Is your dog on any type of medication?  If yes, please list medication and for what?________________________________________________________________




Has your dog been to the dog park? If yes, what did they do?______________




Does your dog share their food or toys with other animals?________________




Has your dog ever shown aggression towards another dog?  If yes, please describe.______________________________________________________________





Are there any types of human interactions that your dog automatically fears or dislikes?  If yes, please describe.____________________________________________________




Has your dog ever growled at anyone?  If so, what was the cause or circumstance?__________________________________________________________




Has your dog ever bitten anyone?  If yes, what were the circumstances?




Does your dog tend to growl or snap if food, treats, or toys are taken away, either from human or another dog?_________________________________________________________________




Please add anything else you feel that will help us understand and know your dog better (i.e. habits, traits, personality, etc.).__________________________________________________________



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