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   Monday - Friday  6:30am - 6:30pm(Our office is closed from 12 pm - 2 pm for lunch). Saturday 9am-12pm and 2pm-6:30pm. Indoor wall-to-wall padded flooring with an outdoor turf grass play area that includes fresh water, exercise, playtime, naps and cuddles.


   Boarding: Open 7 days a week, boarding includes daycare as described above and meals(additional charges apply).  We provide high quality nutrient-filled dog food, or bring your own food for special dietary needs.  Sunday and Holidays 9:00- 11:00 & 4:00-6:30.


Holidays Observed:

New Years Eve

New Years Day

Memorial Day

July 4th

Labor Day


(No drop off or pick ups)

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day

(No drop off or pick ups)



Full Day ......................................................................... $38.00


Hourly ............................................................................. $8.00


Evaluation Fee ............................................................. $30.00




5 Day Pass ................................... $180.50($36.10 per day)


10 Day Pass ..................................$342.00($34.20 per day)


15 Day Pass ................................. $484.50($32.30 per day)


20 Day Pass ................................. $608.00($30.40 per day)


5, 10, and 15 day Daycare Packages Expire in 90 days.

20 day Daycare package expires in 120 days.

All passes are non-refundable.



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